Bi-concave lenses (or double-concave lenses) are the best choice when object and image are at absolute conjugate ratios (object distance divided by image disdance) closer to 1:1 with converging input beams, as is the case with bi-convex lenses. They are used for replay imaging (virtual object and image) applications. When the desired absolute magnification is either less than 0.2 or greater than 5, plano-concave lenses are usually more suitable.
Due to its high transmission from 0.18 µm to 8.0 μm, Calcium fluoride exhibits a low refractive index varying from 1.35 to 1.51 and is commonly used for applications requiring high transmission in the infrared and ultraviolet spectral ranges, it has a refractive index of 1.428 at 1.064 µm. CaF2 is also fairly chemically inert and offers superior hardness compared to its barium fluoride, and magnesium fluoride cousins. Its extremely high laser damage threshold makes it useful for use with excimer lasers. Paralight Optics offers Calcium Fluoride (CaF2) Bi-concave lenses with antireflection coatings for either the 3 to 5 µm wavelength range. This coating greatly reduces the average reflectance of the substrate less than 2.0%, yielding a high average transmission greater than 96% across the entire AR coating range. Check the following Graphs for your references.
Calcium Fluoride (CaF2)
Uncoated or with Antireflection Coatings
Available from -15 to -50 mm
Suitable for Use in Excimer Laser Applications, in Spectroscopy and Cooled Thermal Imaging
f: Focal Length
fb: Back Focal Length
ff: Front Focal Length
R: Radius of Curvature
tc: Center Thickness
te: Edge Thickness
H”: Back Principal Plane
Note: The focal length is determined from the back principal plane, which does not necessarily line up with the edge thickness.
Substrate Material
Calcium Fluoride (CaF2)
Double-Concave (DCV) Lens
Index of Refraction
1.428 @ Nd:Yag 1.064 μm
Abbe Number (Vd)
Thermal Expansion Coefficient (CTE)
18.85 x 10-6/℃
Diameter Tolerance
Precison: +0.00/-0.10mm | High Precison: +0.00/-0.03 mm
Thickness Tolerance
Precison: +/-0.10 mm | High Precison: +/-0.03 mm
Focal Length Tolerance
Surface Quality (scratch-dig)
Precison: 80-50 | High Precison: 60-40
Spherical Surface Power
3 λ/2
Surface Irregularity (Peak to Valley)
Precison: <3 arcmin | High Precison: <1 arcmin
Clear Aperture
90% of Diameter
AR Coating Range
3 - 5 μm
Transmission over Coating Range (@ 0° AOI)
Tavg > 95%
Reflectance over Coating Range (@ 0° AOI)
Ravg < 2.0%
Design Wavelength
588 nm
♦ Transmission curve of uncoated CaF2 substrate: high transmission from 0.18 to 8.0 μm
♦ Transmission curve of AR-coated CaF2 Lens: Tavg > 95% over the 3 - 5 μm range
♦ Transmission curve of enhanced AR-coated CaF2 Lens: Tavg > 95% over the 2 - 5 μm range